Information about us
Ever since I got my first pets, I myself had to face the perennial problem of every pet owner - pet hairs that cling tightly to all carpet surfaces. I knew that this was not only my challenge, but the daily life of many other pet owners.

When I became a pet entrepreneur, the problems became even more challenging.
I decided to tackle this problem and come up with a solution that would make life easier for all of us.
I have been greatly inspired by my own golden retrievers, five of which I have already had in my life.

I started a long and rigorous product development process on a carpet brush. I tested numerous vacuum cleaners and hair removers on the market to get a better idea of the features and functionality I needed in my product.
I wanted to create a brush that would be user-friendly, effective and at the same time gentle on carpet surfaces.
After many prototypes and tests, I finally found the right combination of materials and design. The carpet brush became a true innovation, revolutionary in its own way in the field of pet hair removal. The unique design and materials of the brush allow the hairs to adhere firmly to the brush and are easily removed from the brush cleanly and quickly.
The effectiveness of the carpet brush convinced me that it would help other pet owners. So I decided to protect my invention with a utility model patent (U20230006)
There are other inventions in the pipeline, if you need inspiration, advice or want to develop new approaches, please feel free to contact me.

Animals in my life and sources of inspiration
Lucky, Tyyppi, Kössi, Masa, Pontus, Pupsi, Petri and Martta & Tyyne (sheep)
Below are some photo selections from the stash of home albums:

Kössi and Lucky at work:

Special sources of inspiration have been my beloved working dogs Kössi and Lucky. The Spanish Rescue Kössi made his career as a special scent dog. Köss's work started as a moisture damage dog, the world of smell expanded to bed bugs and rat routes. We founded the Finnish Odor Separation Association, which started to conduct research on e.g. with mammary cancer in dogs, glandular cancers in humans (prostate and breast cancer) and most recently with the corona virus that has disciplined the whole world. Kössi worked in the Helsinki-Vantaa airport pilot project as a corona dog sniffing passengers' skin swab samples. Lucky the golden retriever smelled cancer.